The Olympus Presents its Standardized Line-up of Chemistry Immuno Systems: AU400,™ AU640,™ and AU270

The single consolidated workstations of the Olympus family of automated chemistry immuno systems provide the standardization and high-speed cost effective testing required by today's hospitals and healthcare laboratories with flexibility for core lab, rapid response lab and satellite installations. Standardization throughout the Olympus line means that hospitals get the same results using the same methods on equipment designed for varying testing volumes and save in the process through common reagents, consumables, calibrators, and parts sharing.
Three systems shown, AU400, AU640, and AU2700, are designed to meet today's hospital laboratory needs for random access testing, immediate STAT applications, and very rapid turnaround time. The systems offer a user-definable test menu from over 118 methods, including Syva Emit® applications, with the convenience of ready-to-use bar-coded reagents on a consolidated platform for general chemistries, TDMs, DATs, thyroids, and serum protein applications. The AU2700, designed for higher testing volumes, is scheduled for customer delivery in late 1999, pending regulatory clearance - enhancing our family of standardized systems.
Olympus uniquely guarantees testing based on monthly usage as part of its acquisition plan, which includes everything from reagents, consumables, customer training and consulting management for increased operating efficiencies. This comprehensive Cost Management Plan delivers the most aggressive risk sharing program resulting in one of the lowest cost per reportables in the market today.

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